Empty Bed | Urban Strangers | Supertesti.it

Empty Bed

Testo Empty Bed

Don‘t look at me again
I can‘t hold the breath.
don‘t hold me tight, a tear from my eyes
forget the peace that you ain‘t found
I‘m waitin‘ here, you turn around

I see your smile in a frame with a broken glass
hide everything, the small things, her gifts
you don‘t have to wait, your hand tremble on my face, yeah

I stop thinking, start drinking Martini as beer is empty
the bed tonight
I stop thinking, start drinking Martini as beer is empty
the bed tonight

And I miss your kisses,
the smell of our biscuits on your skin
shit, don‘t need to think

A part of me wants to love you,
the other one, wants to burn you alive
you shake my hand, your voice echoes, I don‘t
know what to do

I stop thinking, start drinking Martini as beer is empty
the bed tonight
I stop thinking, start drinking Martini as beer is empty
the bed tonight

And I miss your kisses,
the smell of our biscuits on your skin
shit, don‘t need to think

And I miss your kisses,
the smell of our biscuits on your skin
don‘t need to think

I stop thinking, start drinking Martini as beer is empty
the bed tonight
I stop thinking, start drinking Martini as beer is empty
the bed tonight

And I miss your kisses,
the smell of our biscuits on your skin
don‘t need to think

And I miss your kisses,
the smell of our biscuits on your skin
don‘t need to think

And I miss your kisses,
the smell of our biscuits on your skin
yes, I‘ve thought about it.

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